Villians of Therodon

{dark image}

As mentioned, there is an opposite for everything here on Therodon. Good... Evil... Heroes... Villians... The Gods knows their brother Shaitan has called up many of his own to come and sit at his side. Some of these Dark Gods, Dark Demons are nothing more than the lesser of the, should I dare say, Aunts and Uncles? Their power does not and will not compete with the Gods that we all have come to love dearly. Their power will never come even close to the Fiend who created or summoned them.

And these are the Gods that many follow. Those who seek to be in Shaitan's graces, for they believe that when the time arrives, the other races of Therodon will be their Lord's forever slaves. As for themselves, they believe they will sit at the side of Shaitan or be his greatest Warrior... Priest... or what ever their twisted little minds shall think.

It has been rumored that several new cults have been turning up in our beloved lands. These cults having stretched from the vast Forbidden Territory. And with their movement, what else has been unleashed within that forsakened area? Perhaps Therodon's Heroes will discover that and save our beloved home.....

This list is by no means completed....


The Spider Gods

This group worships the god Aracnae, the Lord of Spiders. Their main motivation it would seem is to acquire a Navigator compas to unlock the power of the paths and begin an assault upon the Navigator Guilds. But it is also rumored that it may also be needed to unlock part of the power of one particular key or to get to where this key is located.

They had Harkone in their grasp once and they now hunt for him. Why you wonder? Harkone is the power-source for the ritual. And with his sacrifice, the power generated will allow for more of Aracnae's minions to join her from the Void. And to give her an open gate between our world and her own.

Each Temple is headed by beings Magickal in nature.


Heralds of Night - The Black Paladins

Harbingers of the Unlife, these messengers of terror are among the most frightful servants of Shaitan. Coming forth only at night, they sweep their foes before them in a dark wave of fear. They are servants as well to various powerful Evil factions that serves Shaitan fully. The actual origin of the Heralds is unknown.

Heralds of Night appear astride black unicorns, all handsome men and women with hypnotic eyes and fair skin. They are without helm, but wear a metal breastplate and grieves of black armor which reflects no light. A black kilt of leather girds their hips, and tall black boots cover their legs to above their knee. Their arms and legs are left bare, revealing their marble-white skin. If injured, their wounds slowly oozes a thick whitish blood.

All carries swords with strange powers: glittering two-handed blades of dark glass.

Their Black Unicorn steeds have red glowing eyes, steaming nostrils and a luminous golden horn.


Brotherhood of Blood

Dress in dark black, red, or brown robes, with hoods and masks. These men and even women are believed to be more than what they are. They each worship Death in their own form yet it isn't the clean form of Death that Dominic, the God of Death, offers. And for such, each are turned away by Dominic's Tears and the Orb of Chaos.

It has been rumored that there are several cults ran by these beings. One cult in particular, Death Houri, is believed to be made up of females only who torture and kill the males of their species, believing that their power and strengths within their life strengthens their own life and sends the souls to their one God... Shaitan. Yet, they go about bringing destruction another way. They dress in diaphanous skirts and tops over which they wear dark red robes and golden face masks. They inflitrate cultures and bring about their downfall through the violence brought about by uncontrollable jealousy and lusts. Normally, the followers of this cult have light colored hair and green eyes.

Another cult of the Brotherhood of Blood, Death Mage, worships Death. Not the form of Death Dominic provides but a form of death where it is a tortured sacrifice. Where the blood is drank and the soul is then devour by the Dark God himself, Shaitan. It is also rumored that this cult is able to change into a reptilian humanoid form with skin the color of charcoal, slitted reptilian gold eyes, long forked tongue and fangs. They dress in dark black robes and blood red face masks.

Another cult of the Brotherhood of Blood, Shadow Mage, worships the darker aspects of Shaitan. They dress in dark black robes and a black face masks, never removing the masks because of their terrifying visage unless to invoke utter terror into their victims. They feed upon the fear they bring about in another and anyone who should die from their magick, their spirit is violently ripped from their sleeping form and placed into a dark red gem on the hilt of their staff to later be sent as an offering to Shaitan.


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